How To Know if Someone Restricted You on Facebook Messenger

Facebook offers several privacy-focused features on its platform to combat the growing spam. You can unfriend annoying contacts, restrict them from your profile, or even block contacts from reaching you through Messenger. Among all the privacy features, the ability to restrict someone is a neat add-on to protect your profile from spam messages and calls.

But have you ever wondered what happens when you block someone on Facebook Messenger? Facebook doesn’t make it easy to know if someone has blocked you. They do this for privacy and security reasons, which unfortunately means you won’t get confirmation that someone has blocked your account.

However, it’s possible to guess whether you’ve been blocked based on how the Messenger app behaves when you try to send a message. There are chances that someone will restrict you instead of blocking you. However, if you are wondering, how to tell if someone has blocked me on Facebook, read this article.

What Is Restricting Someone on Facebook Messenger?

We have already told you about the main purpose and objective of this feature called Restricted. Let us tell you how it differs from blocking someone. If you want to restrict someone, you can add them to the restricted list to reduce their interaction with you on the platform. Now, doing this will prevent them from seeing your private posts unless they’re made public, or you specifically tag them in something. Restricting is somewhat a subtle version of blocking, if we say, without letting them know they are restricted.

Related Article: Unblock Your Website If Became Facebook Blocked URL.

How do you know if you are Restricted?

While it’s obvious to someone when they’re blocked because they can no longer find that user on the platform it won’t be obvious when they’ve been restricted. They will see that user’s posts in their feed as they normally do. But they can no longer see when users are online or have read their messages. A restricted person can message you. However, their messages arrive in the Requests folder.

You will not receive notifications when they send you messages. You will only be able to see their messages if you manually view your message requests. If someone has restricted you on Facebook, you won’t get notifications when they message you. If they call you, your phone won’t ring. Not only that, but you also cannot call or message the other person.

How to Restrict Someone on Facebook Messenger?

Facebook uses a similar UI in Messenger for iOS and Android. The steps to block someone on Messenger are the same on both platforms. Open the Messenger app on your Android or iPhone. Select a conversation with the contact you want to restrict. Tap on the contact’s name at the top. Select ‘Restricted’ under Privacy and Support.

Also, Read: How to Avoid FB Account Suspension?

How to Tell If Someone Blocked You on Messenger?

The easiest way to check if you have been blocked on Messenger but not on Facebook is to use the mobile app and check if any messages come through. If not, you can check if that person is still on Facebook If they are, then they only blocked you on Messenger.

  • While in the Messenger app, tap the search bar and type your friend’s name.
  • Tap your friend’s name when it appears in the search results.
  • Type your message in the text box near the bottom of the screen and select the Send button.
  • If the message was sent normally, your friend has not blocked you on Messenger. But, if you get “message not sent” and “this person is not receiving messages at this time” it means:
  • You are blocked on Messenger but not Facebook. Or you have been blocked on Facebook itself Or your friend has deactivated their account.

Do you know? You can Use One Word Name On your Facebook Profile.

How to Free Your Restricted Accounts on Facebook?

If you change your mind and want to unrestricted someone on Facebook then follow us below:

  • First, Open your Facebook Messenger.
  • Tap your profile picture in the upper left corner.
  • Now, Select privacy.
  • Tap Restricted accounts.
  • Select the name of the Facebook friend you want to unrestrict.
  • Now, Confirm the Unrestrict from the following menu.

Final Opinion

All the necessary steps mentioned above have to be followed. I hope this article was enough and helpful enough. This article will be very helpful for those of you who are facing a Facebook Messenger-restricted problem.

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